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We come to realize that the Universe mirrors back to us our beliefs, our intentions, our sincerity.


Everything that we perceive is a projection of an internal map that we carry within us.  


What is the product of the map of reality you carry inside you? 


If we want to change our experience, we need to change the map. 


                                                                                                     - Dr. Alberto Villoldo, PhD

Stage 01.

Shamans today are able to to integrate Modern Science with Ancient Wisdom.  Thanks to discoveries in human technology and quantum physics, it is now understood that all matter is densely packed light.  Vibration and light can organize into thousands of shapes and forms.


Our physical bodies are surrounded by an energetic field called the Luminous Energy Field (LEF).  The LEF is the blueprint that organizes and informs the physical body.  You can think of your LEF as the software that gives instructions to DNA, which is the hardware that manufactures the body.


Internal patterns, programming and perceptions create the external projections that become our Life.  Moreover, patterns of disharmony enter the energetic field first before they enter the physical body. Without the ability to upgrade the Luminous Energy Field (LEF), we’re trapped in the stories we inherited from our family of origin. That is, we age, we heal, we live and we die the way our parents and grandparents did—by the same patterns and codes—reliving their physical ills and their emotional ailments.


Shamans discovered how to work directly with the energetic matrix that informs the human body and all living beings.  The Illumination is an elegant core process that upgrades the quality of our Luminous Energy Field (LEF).  This process erases unhealthy imprints that have been encoded in our energy field and overwrites them with new information that will begin to improve the quality of information in the entire system.


The shaman works with the LEF through the chakras, which are vortices of energy that are connected into the nervous system at the spine. This upgrade process restores the affected chakra to its original brilliant color and high vibration.


Illuminations are generally the first step in re-calibrating and re-balancing our Luminous Energy Field (LEF).  It is a process that allows us to release and transform the harmful emotions that no longer serve us as we begin to shed the stories of our past to live in alignment with our deep inner truth and balance.


When we upgrade the quality of our LEF, we upgrade the quality of our health and of our life.

Stage 02.

It is sometimes necessary to perform an extraction of intrusive energies that do not belong to us and are harmful for our Luminous Energy Field (LEF).  Like viral programs, these intrusive energies can become embedded in our system and make us feel run down and toxic—creating discomfort and psychological turmoil, and even physical disease. These energies can manifest as fluid energies or crystallized energies.


Fluid energy can be strong thought form energy that is picked up from the collective – emotions such as fear, envy, and anger. These emotions can penetrate the LEF.  Fluid energies can also be entities that have attached to the LEF.  In most cases of fluid entities, the entities are loved ones that are lost.  At death, they attached to the closest psychically open relative or friend. The shaman performs a fluid extraction with a specially designed high vibrational crystal that is attractive and safe for the energy.


Crystallized energies occur over time, and are generally the result of energy that has been directed to a us by another, or is self directed. The shaman performs a crystallized extraction with her hands. 


The purpose of all extraction work is two-fold: to restore the client’s energetic homeostasis and to ensure that the client’s affinity to the extracted energy has been addressed. The affinity is shifted through an illumination. For an extraction of a fluid entity, there is another purpose and that is to find healing and peace for the entity through further ceremony where the energy is safely released from the crystal.


An extraction allows us to begin tracking a path that is originated entirely from our own energy. 

Stage 03.

Illuminations and Extractions may be sufficient in most cases to help us restart our system and feel a sense of renewal.  In other cases, other more in-depth healing journeys may be necessary.


When we experience shock or trauma that we perceive as significant, part of the soul can be lost as a way of coping with a challenging situation, or a cluster of them.  It's too painful for that essential part of ourselves to remain there, so it flees, it leaves.  In psychology, this is called disassociation.


At times, this trauma might not have happened to us directly.  It might have happened to our mothers while we were still in the womb. Trauma might even be stored in our Luminous Energy Field (LEF) from other lifetimes.  Soul loss is significant because it can result in the loss of life force and the formation of limiting contracts that keep us safe, but stuck in the past.  When the loss is significant enough, it can completely derail our destiny or soul's purpose and keep us trapped in the grip of fate. We are no longer able to steer the course of our own life.  We're guided by forces that are greater than we are, whether they be genetic, karmic or psychological.


The Soul Retrieval process is a journey into the Subconscious that recovers the essential part of our ourselves that was lost as a result of trauma. When we recover these lost soul parts, we mend the past and we become energetically whole.  We’re no longer looking to complete ourselves through our partners, or through our jobs, or through any other exterior factors.  We instead experience wholeness and integrity. 


This reboot process also returns other tools (gifts and instinctual energies) that support the re-integration of our essential missing soul piece.  We can now write a more powerful soul contract that frees us to embark on our own personal epic journey with courage, thus creating a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


This is a potent process that midwifes our rebirthing.

Stage 04.

Sometimes, a Soul Retrieval can reprogram and reorient our destiny. At times, the additional step of Destiny Retrieval may be needed.


For a shaman, there are two kinds of time: Linear time, which flies forward like an arrow, and Circular time, which turns like a wheel.


Most of us are only familiar with linear time.  The main operating principle in this kind of time is causality (cause + effect), where we are always the result of an earlier cause.  The main operating principle in circular time is synchronicity, where we can be the result of something that has not happened yet (or of the future).


A Destiny Retrieval is a journey that connects us to a future healed that can reach back and bring us forward to that place.  This future healed state begins to inform us in the present and becomes installed in our timeline in order to help us re-connect with a more clear and all-encompassing vision for our life.  A destiny retrieval connects us to a future that is outside of the domain of the probable and which is instead guided by a glimpse of the possible.  Thus, the probable is turned into the possible.


In effect, by journeying into the realm of the Superconscious, the shaman helps us to install and run the programs that are associated with our highest destiny and so that we may begin living them in the now.


Destiny Retrieval is the artistry of the master Shaman.

If this will be our first time working together, I invite you to reach out below

for a complimentary and non-binding initial consultation.


In honor and gratitude for the wisdom shared by the Inka Shamanic Elders,

Sympatheia Wellness pledges to donate 5% of each client session to Help Peru

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